Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Comparing: F. D. Roosevelt, "Joe" Stalin, Hitler and maybe "O"?

What were the similarities between
Hitler, Stalin and Franklin Delano Roosevelt?

Some quick but limited research and this is what I came up with:

-They took control of newspapers and newsreels to advertise themselves.

-They promised "change" and "new ways to better the economy" through nationalized socialist means and huge government intervention and bureacracy

-They were very charismatic and motivational speakers

-They sought to cure a depression.

Who else can be added that is similar to these comparisons? History has a nasty habit of repeating itself- especially when we choose to forget its lessons in the light of the greater good.

Forsaking our freedoms and civil liberties and letting the government start making our moral and capital choices for us is a step in a direction that has failed miserably in many national and regional experiments of socialism and utopianism. Many times I have iterated that the last person that should be trusted with a check book and monetary policy is an elected official.

The Soviet Socialist experiment failed miserably because the government tried to artificially control the economy and people's fiscal and retail choices. Those of us that grew up in what was once West Germany, and actually made the trip to East Berlin, can attest to the lines and shortages and the "fake" currency printed and minted to bolster the puppet economy there. We are on a crash course minting and printing our puppet money and socializing health and other industries...

Just a caveat, don't comment here blasting me saying that I said "anyone specifically in current public office" is like Hitler... I illustrated public solical policies of those predessor and historical public and national leaders that were in effect failures.

The social system and huge public spending that FDR incorporated failed to get us out of a depression and left us with the Social Security and Welfare entitlement system that is so broken today and unable to sustain itself beyond the next couple of decades. FDR did electrify the southern states with power though...

It was a WAR, World War 2 saved all of these men's bacon and economies, though not for a lengthy term for 2 of them and our own US post WW2 laurels are just now crashing down around us in our auto giants and banks failing through bad management and greed... we don't need more laws and more government- we need ENFORCEMENT of EXISTING LAWS...

Wake up sleeping American giant, arouse from your opiated stupor of uber-Change and get it right- for our children and grandchildren's sakes!

Oh and a shout out for one of my favorite radio personalities who just died this past weekend:

Paul Harvey Sr., "page 2, stand by for news!" was 90 years old.

Thanks for telling it like it was Paul Harvey- you are the last of an era and you will be missed greatly sir.