Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama is Reagan-esque today...

Things that make you go hmmmmm...

President Obama said today: "...Business, not government, is the engine of economic growth in this country..."

I wonder why then, that Komrade Nancy Pelosi and Komrade Barney Frank, want to continue with this Socialist "redistribution of wealth" and social spending that IS NOT GOING TO STIMULATE the economy RIGHT NOW OR LATER... President Obama himself even acknowledges that his government can't help save jobs saying, "...It is true that we cannot depend on government to create jobs or long-term growth"

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the architect of the last century's American socialism, of whom which we still ride the coat-tails of, they being Social Security and the American Welfare system... FDR's own Secretary of the Treasury after World War 2 said that all the money they spent in infrastructure and social entitlement programs was not instrumental in America emerging from the Depression - what was instrumental was the growth of American industry to support the massive needs of the World War that employed Americans and fueled the prosperity America still seems to rest on...

BUT 20 days ago, President-elect, at the time, Obama was leading the government spending charge...

On Jan. 8th he said: "...only government can provide the short-term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe..."


  1. Caveat: I don't agree with everything Obama says, but....

    Short Term Boost: government. Increasing budgets and creating jobs. Government jobs are doing heavy hiring in the Baltimore-Washington area right now, all because of the stimulus package. That's a short term boost.

    Long Term: yeah, needs to be the corporations, like he says.

    Seems pretty simple to me...

  2. the problem is - he is sand bagging alot of th ecash to be released in 2012 and 2010 when elections are up- this is not stimulis- this is bribery for votes.
