Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Disclaimer: Now if any of you have read or heard one of my rants before, its been awhile, but here goes another plus a little conspiracy theory of my own as well...

Now class, raise your hands. Does anyone know what country; that has a completely polar opposite socio-political ideology and views on freedom, class distinctions, freedom of speech and wealth distribution; owns the MOST of the United States' debt? BOTH Our GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE DEBT? HMMM HMMM?!

Well, if you guessed the Peoples Republic of China, RED CHINA to you old Cold War survivors, then you are right...

Now I ask you, I submit to your logic and common sense:
How smart is it for our government to have allowed a country that is ideologically on the moon compared to us, a country that has the most ACTIVE AND ROBUST espionage program against ALL SECTORS of our GOVERNMENT and INDUSTRY, has the worst CONTINUOUS record on human rights... How smart was it for our current administration to allow them to BUY such a large amount of our credit and bank AND FEDERAL DEBT!!??

Now, to have a country like this, Red China, with so much REAL pressure and influence to bear on OUR GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE SECTOR's FINANCIAL DECISIONS, wouldn't you think, maybe, just maybe for an iota of a second that this MIGHT be a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE? Am I the only one who thinks so?

Now here's where my conspiracy theory and active imagination kicks in... remember when I have kidded before about Obama being a real life "Manchurian Candidate"? Well more like an "Islamic/Manchurian Candidate"... well here is one of the reasons why I am not so sure I may have been subconsciously projecting... (If you haven't seen either version of the Manchurian Candidate get it at Blockbuster or NetFlix, do your homework viewing and get back to us)... Now trust me on this one, Obama will not address or push the Chinese on real issues like trade imbalance or human rights issues, or the many clashes that their military has with ours where we seem to let them do whatever to our troops or planes in the interest of diplomacy because the Chinese have all of this debt leverage over him/US/U.S.!

Conspiracy theory 2: Now, the Chinese are historically brilliant economists and mathematicians- I submit for your mental faculty buffet: HOW MUCH INFLUENCE did the Chinese have on the CREATION and then PURCHASE up of all these CREDIT SWAPS??! Hmmmhmmm?
I'll tell you why they have so much of our debt, because THEY BOUGHT A CRAPLOAD OF THEM, more than any other country or individual or private fund... SCAREY THOUGHT HUH? that MAYBE the country that President BarryO is parlaying with right now may have had more than an active role in the creation and fall of the economic disaster our country just recently felt and is still reeling from?

I sometimes think, when I revert to my most Pinochet of dark places in my head, that before it gets too carried away, in the interest of NATIONAL SECURITY we should have been nationalizing that debt... that Omni-Bus stimulis should have bought that debt back from China... I know, I know, there is much more to this than simply nationalizing and "taking back" our debt and declaring that China no longer owns anything in America because US business and our government have to still go out to other countries and foreign banks and BORROW and finangle to keep the lights on, but people, we need to be cogizant that this is a crisis. And being the capitalist that I am nationalizing is something that I abhor when it is done to American business and industry abroad- spell that Chavez...

No foreign government, especially one as diabolically obtuse to the American way and our values, err I mean the values of our parents, since Obama, Pelosi and Frank have made it clear that it is no longer the values of this administration and Congress; but especially not the Chinese, should not be questioning our government on how or what they choose to spend their money on... Look at it this way, theoretically, the Chinese could say, if you spend money on supporting or bolstering your troops in say, oh Afghanistan or the Gulf, or stop pressuring Chavez or we won't loan you anyore cash or we'll call in your notes asap...

Can you all see how this much influence from a member of the UN Security Council that ALMOST NEVER agrees with us (EXCEPTO against a nuclear North Korea cuz that is a direct regional threat to them, but obtusely they are soft on Iran's nukes)... can you see how this is a VERY BAD THING??!!

Now, if you see the national direction towards Socialism we are being herded to by the left, the re-distribution of wealth, the loss of individual liberties, the marking of veteran groups and vocal moms national threats by homeland security, the central party committee err I mean the central government taking powers normally reserved for the states, you can see that the Manchurian Candidate is taking us back en masse to his controllers... LOL, true some of this I exagerrated because it tied into my movie conspiracy and well, this is a bit entertaining as well as spiritual to me, but most of it is not exaggerated. We need to be afraid and question the direction this administration is taking our country.

It would appear that The Flags of Our Fathers no longer fly over this great country... A new wind is blowing into Washington and our government and the winds are blowing from the Far East- I don't advocate xenophobia or paranoia, I advocate knowledge and the right to question and protest that which is not ideologically in line with the Constitution of the United States of America... Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL AMERICANS and the ability for them not to be taxed without representation or voice...

Wil-crest OUT!

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