Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama STIMULIS for EGYPT??!!

Here we go again... another one of many stories of how crazy this administration is and just how far out of touch they are with the American electorate and taxpayers they are supposed to serve and represent.

This government, designed and enacted for the people and by the people at the wisdom of our forefathers, is dominated now by out of touch, socialist, elitists that presume to know what is better for us than we, their masters, do.

Yesterday, on Sunday, July 15, Secretary of State (SoS) Hilary Clinton ended talks with the interim Egyptian "government,” and I use the term government loosely, and she agreed to provide them additional aid of up to $1 billion to help bolster their flailing economy...

Unbelievable, though it is true, and this administration is allowing this to happen, endorsing it wholeheartedly, despite national records in deficit, unemployment and stalled economic growth in all sectors. We are in a major recession, jobs are at a premium, I would find it hard pressed to explain and get buy-in from any large constituency in this country that spending and additional $1 Billion in taxpayer money is in our best interests. That stimulating the Egyptian economy, when our own is stagnant, is in our national best interests…

Egypt currently doesn't even have a true government. At this point they are still being led by a military council that is reluctant to relinquish power to the civilian elected body.

Now did you cue in earlier to when I stated "additional aid", well here's what I was referring to: Back in April of this year, the Obama administration quietly released $1.5 billion in foreign aid to this freshman Egyptian “government”; this government, overseen by the military, which is now dominated by an Islamic brotherhood-led coalition in their parliament. Our President gave this “government” which also does not guarantee human rights, personal freedoms and civil rights equally to men and women and which treats LGBT as criminals; a government whose law that is dominated by religious sectarian interpretation of Sharia law, Obama gave them $1.5 Billion of our American taxpayer money.

So on top of that $1.5 billion given to them just 3 months ago, where it has all gone and whose pockets it is in all now we don't know, now via SoS Clinton, we have given them another up to $1 Billion dollar handout... Remember now, this is a technically a brand new government, in its infancy so to speak, which no declaration of friendship or alliance to the United States. Now, being led by a religio-political coalition called the [Islamic] Brotherhood, one of whose chief aims is the destruction of the Israeli state and another is the subjugation and conversion of all races to Islam.

On top of this, the democrats are continuing the debate of raising taxes on the American "rich" and threatening of raising taxes on all working Americans this upcoming January 1st...

I would say there will be a huge fight, not only from the republicans, but from all working/taxpaying Americans on this additional taxation. Especially noteworthy when this legislative body cannot even create and adhere to a budget for one single year. Why wouldn't we??!!

Why would you let your government tax you even more to extend entitlements, to not only your own unwilling and non-productive citizens, but to other countries (who do not have our country's best interest in hand), in an effort to win their hearts and minds support or is it a payment – are we now paying at a national level the Jizya to Islam?

Why should we let the government continue to raise our taxes without a plan on how they intend to spend that revenue and how those expenditures are in the best interests of all Americans and how they also plan to eliminate the additional debt we have doubled/incurred in the last 3 years of this current administration...

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