Monday, December 22, 2008

Democrat Franken-stein Monster

In the Frankenstein story, penned by Mary Shelley 190 years ago in 1818, an inanimate hodpodge of human remains and viscera are reanmiated to give it life again by a mad scientist. Well guess what, it's 2008 and the mad scientists are really doing it. This time we call them Democrats and the scene of the horrific reanimation of a human corpse is in Minnesota. The political corpse is named of all things Franken, Al Franken-stein to you folks!

Apparently, the voters of Minnesota spoke, and just as in the old 19th century eastern European scene of villagers hunting and destroying the monster and his creater, you'd have thought the will of the Minnesota grand village would have been respected by the mad Democrat political scientists! Nope, they pulled him out of the fire, literally, since he was politically dead with a failed left wing radio talk show he really had nowhere else to go but back to comedy. Now let's be really honest folks- was he really even that funny when he was doing comedy? Nope, he was as funny as Janeane Garofalo so yeah, not very much huh! His comedy had the backbone of a krill and was as funny as a whale digesting them by the ton...

In the Shelley novel, the monster fights to stay alive, it wants to live after all! Well, in the case of Franken, he doesn't even need to fight because he has the Secretary of State of Minnesota, Mark Ritchie, doing that for him in the form of an UNLTRA-BIASED, PARTISAN, and SUBJECTIVE precinct by precinct ballot recount.

Now, you would assume, "OK, they're doing a recount, so ALL of the precincts RECOUNTED and RECERTIFIED would be the official numbers right?" NO, WRONG. In his omniscient wisdom, probably loaned to him by Messiah Obama, he has decided ONLY TO USE THE RECOUNTS THAT SUPPORT FRANKEN and THROW OUT THE RECOUNTS THAT SUPPORT the Reublican incumbent...

I digress here quickly... Talk about DISENFRANCHISING THE VOTERS! Oh yeah, what am I thinking, Messiah Obama did the same thing- he disenfranchised registered voters' choices for candidates on the ballot he was on for Senate- when he had ALL OF HIS OPPONENTS THROWN OFF THE TICKET... with NO ONE TO OPPOSE HIM of course he was going to have the "Landslide win for Change" that Oprah cooed about on her show. "YES WE CAN" was his campaign motto then, they left out, "...REMOVE OUR OPPOSITION FROM THE BALLOT/TICKET"...

Listen people, Democrats no longer care about disenfranchised voters, they now have a market share of doing that themselves... along with the infamous ACORN, who make it their duty to enfranchise voters, even the one's who have been dead for decades and some that are not even citizens or real. Remember when McCain made the crack about Chicago Politicians? He wasn't just name calling he was stating the fact that voters and the press chose not to pursue...

Now back to our previously scheduled programming!

Minnesota SOS Mark Ritchie even claims to have mysteriously FOUND MORE NEW VOTES! Call in Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine! Where did all of these NEW VOTES come from? Remember ACORN? Well, they were instrumental in Ritchie's election success too... you figure it out.

So, while Republican incumbent Coleman won the Election on Election Day and won the intial canvas, and is "winning" the recount (I use that term loosely); Minnesota election officials are doing everything they can to falsely create the win for Franken.

First, let's examine the canvas, which was a process to resubmit the vote totals from election night from the local precincts to a central location. They magically found errors favoring Franken so incredibly statistically improbable that statisticians are questioning the officials in these counties.

However, when the error favors Coleman, Ritchie chooses, in his messianic wisdom, NOT to let it count.

During the recount when an Election Official explained an error that resulted in Franken losing votes had occurred when her precinct double counted some votes on election night. Well, after a bit torque screw pressure was applied from Democrats, mysteriously the official changed her story, AND the Mark Ritchie led Canvassing Board decided for that precinct only the recount did not count and would instead use the more favorable to Franken Election Day total.

One member of his canvassing board said, "We're not going to be entirely consistent. Part of it is going to be how the ballot strikes us." Is Johnny Carson dead or is the Great Karnak reincarnated as a Democrat canvaser assuming the meaning of chads and ticks on voters' ballots...

Post script added on 12/24/2008: Franken's triple digit lead has evaporated to a slim double digit lead in the 20-30 vote range. This is not even calling into question yet the count/recount of almost 1,600 absentee ballots on which both candidates' camps have yet to come to agreement on for tallying...

Post script added:
01/28/2009: Coleman and Franken are now in court dealing with the various inconsistencies of the election and of course, getting the courts decisions, to determine who has actually won the seat... Note: Acorn was here in MIN too...

02/18/2009: still in court

03/03/2009: County officials want Al Franken to kick them down more cash to come testify in court for him...!! pay for testimony here folks...?

03/03/2009: Coleman's team rests their case - 3 Judge panel to determine outcome based on percentage of verifiable cheating to margin between candidates... Thanks for cheating again ACORN!

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