Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to the launch of Pravda Amerikana®

Pravda (Russian: Правда, for "The Truth") - The Russification of the blog name was intentional. As a child of the Cold War, and later as an adult during the Detente of the late 80's and early 90's, the manipulation of Truth by the Soviet and other Communist regimes fascinated me.

Having been the bright-eyed American youth irresistibly charmed, I just could not fathom how these Communists had gotten away with pulling the wool over almost all of their respective populations... Until now, I had not understand it all, but now Alle ist klar, where if something is repeated enough and popular buzz words are attached to it, i.e. Change and hope, that it is accepted as truth and fact. Yet when held up to real scrutiny is still as crystal clear as a London fog.

Here I use it as an illustration of the path that we all will be walking in the next few years... a path that is as foreign to many of us as the Russian language...

A thing that tends to be as foreign as another continent to many of us is THE TRUTH. Not that we don't strive to use it, tell it, honesty is the best policy, we know this... Women's personal ads scream for it from Men, honesty and truth. ...But today its spun so many different ways that its hard to know what IS really THE TRUTH, where is the actual thread and where the knot was spliced into it.

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. GALILEO

"Hold up!" you demand... Well, as I write and invite your thoughts provocatively, we'll discuss that together. What is the Truth of this or that argument? What is the accepted truth and what is the real truth, carefully ensconced and preserved in its glassinine® coat of sterile amber through which we can SEE the trapped insect but can never touch it or really explore it.

Well, with a little simple research and common sense we can determine what that TRUTH is in Spin City and also THE TRUTH, not just the accepted norm of the masses after its been massaged and ingested enough- the two differing states of being an de facto truth and indisputable piece of de jure veritas...

The problem being, of course, that truth is determined and judged to be accurate at so many different levels removed from the common man daily, we don't want to admit that in our free Amerika. It is actually checked, probed, deemed to be fit and approved for consumption just as surely as the food we eat and digest is inspected by the FDA and allowed to pass with so many insect fragments and rodent feces parts per million, spun and weaved into the perfect, beautifully, buttery soft Egyptian cotton "cloth" fit for our public consumption, covering our ears and eyes and minds with someone else's original thoughts Sara Lee packaged to our brains...

After having read this- are you sure you know what truth is?...- Exactly!

A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. ~George William Curtis


  1. I would have to think the sum of it all has been incorrect math for these past decades! It frightens me to look around without utter disgust at ones that should command the upmost respect. Our ego today is a result of what the Greatest Generation did in the 40's and 50's; which has been sufficiently "over played". Enforcing Govt. and law while treading above them is a recipie for... today. Integrity will get you through; but only if you have it.

    Good on ya!


  2. thanks for the coments Doug and Freebird
